Lithuania / Ukraine / Germany

Briquette Charcoal

UA Wood Trading  >  >  Briquette Charcoal

Briquette Charcoal

Briquette charcoal is free from chemicals, and featuring long-time burning, smokeless and flavorless.Charcoal products made from charcoal extruder is inflammable, smoke-free, has no spark and float dust when burning



Length: 3cm / 28 cm
Diameter / Thickness: 3 cm to 10 cm
Shape: Irregular Shape, light easily, long time burning
Fixed Carbon: 75%
Moisture Level: 7%
Heating Level: Kcal /kg 6800
Volatile Matter: 13.5%
Burning Time: 980 sec/cm3
Wood Type: Big Trees (Casuarinas)
Using: Restaurant for BBQ

Category: Charcoal


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