Lithuania / Ukraine / Germany

Pine Logs

UA Wood Trading  >  >  Pine Logs

Pine Logs

Logs Available : (Spruce, Birch, Oaks, Beech, Pine, Poplar, Eucalyptus, Ash etc)



· Moisture: Fresh cut
· Grade: A,B,C
· Diameter: 18cm – 24cm–25%
· Length: 4 meters plus
· Straight all over the length
· Small sound knots accepted
· Sound knots on 1 face accepted (15cm maximum per 3 meters)
· Dead knots deducted
· No frost ring
· No black knots
· No rot
· No holes
· No brown color
· Measurement: Small end, small size under bark•
· Formula: Volume (m3) = (D² X L)/10000

Logs Available : (Spruce, Birch, Oaks, Beech, Pine, Poplar, Eucalyptus, Ash etc)


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